Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Father's Love

We had a guest speaker at church this morning. That always makes me a little nervous because they can sometimes be a little...extreme. This guy, however, he was good. I enjoyed the message he presented today. Some of his points included Jesus is angered by "religious people," people who put religion before others. We've all seen them or know some. These are the individuals who feel that because they are "religious" that others are beneath them, not worth of their attention or time. These are the people who put religion ahead of the needs of their fellow man. The example given was this: you're on your way to church and you are so close to being late and rushed. You pass someone along the side of the road who needs help. Do you stop and be late for church? If you don't, you're giving up the chance to tell someone about Jesus and help your fellow man, all for what? To be on time to 'worship' God.
Throughout the Bible, Jesus is referred to as our best friend and biggest supporter. He is always there and always supporting us in our endeavors. We on the other hand are not good friends to Jesus. We are more likely to run to him when things are bad, we cancel our plans with Him, we have priorities above him, etc.
He also nailed on child abuse. That harming His children angers him, as written in Matthew 18:6- "If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the worlk because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!" To abuse a child is truly causing harm to God's truest and most innocent children.
We also talked about Abraham being a great father. Many people think he was an awful father because he was actually going to sacrifice his only son, his future, his prodigy. I, however, think Abraham is the person who comes the closest to understanding the true sacrifice that God made on Calvary Hill, giving His only son to pay for our sins.
The last big bulletin his was the wrath of the Father. A person who loves their children will become angry when someone harms or dangers their children. They also become disappointed when they make the wrong choices because they can see the potential for the child's life. I wouldn't want a happy-go-lucky God. I want a just God who will protect me from harm and can make the hard decisions. I want a God who knows my best interest, not just my worldly desires. I want my God to be able to pass harsh judgement on those who need it. I thank Him though, that His son died on that cross so that I can be His child no matter how many times I screwed up. I am so thankful that He can forgive me and love me with repentence and faith.

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