Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's Official...

It is official. I scheduled my surgery today for October 24th, 2014. I go for pre-op testing and consent for treatment on the 6th of October. I am currently thinking over whether or not I want to seek legal counsel regarding Holzer mis-reading my original MRI. Had I been diagnosed and treated last year, I wouldn't have the memory loss, balance problems, and fine motor skill decrease. I would have had this surgery a year ago and been back to normal. Instead, the MRI was read as normal with no abnormalities other than some sinusitis. According to the surgeon at OSU, it is clearly an abnormal MRI and I have more like significant sinus damage and scarring. I'd hate paying for something they screwed up. I mean if I get shoes only to get them home and they're wrong, I take them back! Or if the waitress brings the wrong food, you send it back. I don't know though, it would be a hassle in the middle of all this.

I was a little nervous about making the appointment because it makes it a little more real and concrete. It's not just an indefinite thing anymore. I actually have a date and goal in sight. I am actually pretty excited that my mom will be staying with me a little. I have found that I love having house guests. Although I will probably be mindless for a while, it's always nice to have mommy there! And I am sure that J will need a break from me!

Now just to get through the next two months! I am somewhat certain that it will go by very quickly and will be crazy full. I'm going to try to get a little done every day to prepare. I realize that I don't NEED to do anything to be “ready.” But there are some things I would like to do beforehand. For instance, I want to get the back bedrooms straightened up and somewhat habitable. I want to clean up the craft room some perhaps later in my recovery I can go in there and do some little things. I want to just have things ready so that others here don't have to worry about it. Maybe I should make a list. So then I can lose the list. Then I can spend time looking for the list before making a new list to lose again. Yep, that's how I roll.

I think the last couple weeks are catching up to me. I am exhausted today and I pray it's just from being busy last week. I am hoping that this doesn't become the new norm. I can't function being this tired everyday, all day. Here's to a good night's sleep and a spunky day tomorrow!!

On a side note, I am sad that I missed my class' 10 year reunion. It was last Saturday but I was just so exhausted I couldn't force myself to go to the store let alone anywhere else. From the looks of it, everyone had a great time though. It was nice to at least see pictures. It reminds me of something our principal, Mr. Edwards said at our high school graduation. He said, “look around at all your classmates. This is the LAST time you will all be in the same place at the same time together.” And that has rung true. Many of us are friends on Facebook and keep up that way, but it's not the same. It'll never be the same. I wish deep down that I had truly treasured those moments. I wish that I had lived the moments to the fullest and not wished a single day away. Instead, I was so focused on the “future,” never realizing that each passing day, the future was becoming the present and the present was ever fleeting. I don't think anyone can ever tell you in a way that you understand to enjoy every moment until they are gone and you can only look back and reminisce.

I am highly anticipating next weekend, for various reasons that I can't yet mention. We have plans with my parents to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. I know it's not 25 or 50, but I think it's a HUGE ordeal. I am hoping that they enjoy everything that we have planned and it goes as I think/hope it will.

Well, I pray that all of you out there in cyber-ville sleep well and enjoy your Thursday. It's the “almost Friday” day, but it is one to cherish all on its own. Every moment is worth reveling in and everyday worth being thankful for. Good or bad, you were blessed to endure it and look at the beauties of the world.

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