Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Mind Full of Nothing

The alpha of my blogs. The first, the beginning, the numero uno. With extra time on my hands at the moment, I find it may be beneficial to blog a little... more for my own expression than your enjoyment. If you find yourself disliking the content, expressions, tone, subject, etc. please feel free to leave. As in, leave this site. I am uninterested in negative feedback. While I welcome constructive criticism, I do not welcome unsupported information and spammy feedback with no real validated points. If you would like to discuss those things, please create your own blog... MOVING ON...

Socioeconomical class in relation to education, physical/mental health, and familial relationships---
I find it very interesting that individuals who were born into and raised into poverty and low income are at such a risk of developing mental health problems, physical health problems, and limited healthy relationships. I will not say that individuals cannot get out of this cycle, but they are the exception, not the rule. I understand that many people succeed out of poverty and make great strides in their lives. However, for each person who breaks free from the bonds of poverty, 10 more remain within the cycles of low-income and poverty stricken families. Many of them will work low paying jobs and create their own families. Some of these individuals were raised with the practice of abusing the system and utilizing all government-state and federal, aide in order to survive and even sometimes thrive. My questions is posed as the chicken and egg dilemna: which came first? Are individual's impoverished BECAUSE of mental/physical health and little education? Or do they suffer mental/physical health problems FROM being impoverished?

In a hierarchy of classes such as this, there always will have to be an upper class, middle class, and lower class. The idea of increasing minimum wage to X dollars will not eliminate the lower class. I believe in fact that it will ENLARGE the lower class. Individuals working for $10.00 an hour are currently either upper lower class or lower middle class. They are currently making almost $3.00 an hour more. These individuals will likely NOT receive a pay raise in accordance to the raised minimum wage levels. Cost of product will increase as it will cost more to manufacture, distribute, and utilize goods and services. This cost will not be consumed by the company, but rather YOU the consumer.

What is the answer to the economy crisis then? In solving the current economy crisis, we could eliminate many of the individuals who are utilizing governmental supports. By eliminate, I mean send back to work. I think the solution to the economy crisis is two (or more) fold. First, the states and federal government must pay attention to what is coming and going through our borders. In order to establish more jobs, there must be more demand. Without demand, there is no need for jobs. We currently have too many consumers and not enough producers. In todays market, a significant amount of consumable goods are imported from places where they can be produced at significantly lower costs. This is exporting jobs in one swift step. By enforcing stronger trade and manufacturing laws would possibly cause tense situations with foreign countries. I also do not feel as though the country in which the goods are transported are at fault. They are simply making an item for a price reasonable for their markets. As a country, we take advantage of that fact. In order to return jobs stateside, I believe that there should be a tax. (Ahhhhh, that word that we all fear, yet never really understand!) The tax, however, would not be on the consumer (at least not directly.) I am NOT a mathematician, so I don't do numbers... BUT.. The tax would be placed on companies with sales greater than $X/year. The tax would be X% of profits, OR a flat rate of $X for each employed individual outside the U.S. This would also apply to companies where over 50% of the goods are manufactured in another country, whether assembled stateside or not. Companies can WAIVE the tax by utilizing legal residents in the manufacture, assembly, and distribution of products. Example: Chain Store imports all items from China. They are sold by Chain Store employees in-store or on-line. This company would be taxed based on the fact all items are imported. Example 2: Super Store manufactures 90% of their textiles, food, and other goods stateside. This company would NOT have to pay the tax. Example 3: Auto Line: All parts are manufactured outside the states and are only assembled in the states. This company would be inspected for how much work actually occurs outside the states. Based on figures, this company would probably be taxed. The tax would the be utilized to fund the unemployment and SSI/disability ONLY.

This program would increase funds for those programs while decreasing the NEED for those funds. Tune in next time for more of my mind running full speed! :D

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